brightstart family academy


Your Child and Play

Plan your visit to be introduced to toys that create high quality play and will grow with your child...

Play is practice for real life. It gives young children an opportunity to learn and practice new skills. It offers an outlet for expressing themselves and working through powerful feelings. Most important, play brings joy. And you are a big part of that fun!

What makes play so special is that your child has your full attention. When you make time to play each day, you are giving your child a big dose of love and learning.

Featured in Baby Steps, ZERO To THREE, USA


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Alice began to create small interesting sets of objects and toys to encourage parents and teachers to ensure their children were engaged in thoughtful powerful play.

Every Wonderbox is considered to promote language and communication, confidence and thinking. When used in partnership between parent and child deep learning and cognitive development can be supported.

Have fun Learning through Play with Can Do Child® and Ben and Betty

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Visit our practical Can-Do Play Stations where you will:

  • Enjoy fun activities with your children based around the Can-Do Child® activity cards endorsed by The Good Toy Guide.
  • Learn and put into practice an easy, fun, tried and tested approach to nurturing happy, creative, confident children with a can-do approach to life.
  • Understand how the Can-Do Child® model and cards are easily built into everyday family life to nurture crucial life skills such as resourcefulness, resilience, problem solving, self-regulation and much more
  • Learn how to recognize everyday learning opportunities and how to support your children with those.
  • Help your children discover the joy of learning from an early age

As well as enjoying the practical activities, parents will leave with a clear understanding of how they can use the Can-Do Child® activity cards in everyday family life, enhancing enjoyment of parenting, and relationships with their children.

Meet Lorraine Allman, educator and author of the “Can-Do Child: Enriching the Everyday the Easy Way’’. Lorraine will explain how the Can-Do Child® approach boosts the quality and enjoyment of family life, whilst raising can-do children who are creative, innovative, resourceful, and resilient.

There will also be the opportunity to order Can-Do Child® activity cards for 3-5 years and 5-7 years packed with simple, practical ideas needing little or no planning, but which develop crucial life skills including problem solving, social skills, critical thinking, and much more.


Visit the Ben & Betty Play Station to experience this award winning, interactive and innovative all-inclusive phonic learning scheme.

Discover how to encourage your children to learn the basic educational skills through games and fun activities.

The modern, lively approach makes the Ben & Betty programme a positive and successful experience for children and adults alike.

Meet Jenny Briggs, founder of Ben & Betty who has over 40 years’ experience teaching young children. Jenny will show you how enjoyable learning the Ben & Betty way is for both children and their parents.

There will also be the opportunity to order Ben & Betty activity workbooks including CDs.

Earlyarts Pavillion – Earlyarts CREATIVITY AREA
Creativity is not just child’s play, its adults’ play as well!

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Interested in discovering and nurturing your own creative spark?

Want to understand how to support your children’s creativity?

Come and enjoy some creative play with your child in the Earlyarts Creativity Area. Led by award-winning creative training network, Earlyarts, you will be able to participate in a range of creative activities to help you understand how to unlock your child’s potential (and some of your own creativity, too!).

Choose from a series of guided activities where you can join your child in the creative process, without feeling remotely worried about the end product. During these sessions, parents will learn how to respond to music through drawing, understand non-verbal communications through story stones, tell of the significant events in your family’s history by crafting journey sticks, and find out how to continue this creative collaboration inside and outside the home.

Families will also have the chance to place an order for the Earlyarts’ Creativity Kits, packed with new creative ideas to do in the home and a wealth of knowledge on how this links to important stages in your child’s brain and body development.

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